

De la editorial:

Una artista autodestructiva y alcohólica trata de mantener la compostura para obtener un empleado en la cafetería Colfax —¿por cuánto tiempo podrá mantener esta fachada?


“Graham’s comics are intellectually ambitious, packed with ideas that form and contradict themselves within the same panel. With this story of an at times off-putting and at times deeply sympathetic artist and human, she touches on an exhaustive catalog of concerns relating to art and life.” — Austin English, autor de Gulag Casual

” The book’s structure, as an account of a life, never feels like a simplistic parable or fable, the way attempts at imparting spirituality often do. It’s not that the book is walking a line between the spiritual and the abject, so much as walking all around the territory of a life to explain that the idea of a border between the two is false. The book’s implicit arguments are multiple. Any ideas about the nature of life on Earth and societal interaction with the individual are presented via ideas about comics as a direct form of communication, and while none of these by themselves are unique, being put together in a holistic way makes for an intriguing book, that compels the audience past its understated surface to reward those who really read it.” —The Comics Journal

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